PTO Minutes 2023-02-15

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting
February 15, 2023

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting February 15, 2023

Kira Grossi called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School Membership Meeting to order at 7:02pm via Zoom.

● Pledge of Allegiance.

Principal Stenroos’s Report

  • ●  SRE was designated a California Distinguished School. Principal Stenroos accepted the

    award on behalf of SRE. The celebration is TBD.

  • ●  Enrollment is underway. Please spread the word, and remind everyone that has an

    incoming kindergartner or UPK to register.

  • ●  Regarding PJ’s remembrance, Principal Stenroos is waiting for the family to have their

    service, and then we as a site will decide what we want to do. Student Council wants to

    be part of building a memory.

  • ●  Principal Stenroos extended her gratitude to Kira for all her help.

    Teacher’s Report - Mrs. Grief

  • ●  Teachers are very excited for the Spring Festival.

  • ●  Mrs. Grief did reach out to teachers to ask them to support the silent auction for the

    Spring Festival. Ideas include class raffle basket, parking space usage, and front row

    tickets for the 6th Grade Promotion.

  • ●  Board discussed the idea of making a sign-up genius for raffle basket items and to ask

    the room reps to facilitate this.

    President’s Report

  • ●  PTO is waiting for PJ’s family to have their celebration of life before the PTO plans any

    type of school memorial.

  • ●  Astronomy Night was a complete success. Thank you Janelle!

○ Very well organized, crafts were awesome, and the local astronomy club that donated their time was awesome, and we hope to bring them back next year.

  • ●  Science Fair

    • ○  90 entries (slightly less than years’ past).

    • ○  Moved the event from April to February this year.

    • ○  Board is looking at possibly moving Science Fair back to April next year.

    • ○  Shout out to the judges! The judges said the quality of these Science Fair

      projects was very impressive.

  • ●  80s Family Dance (2/10)

  • ○  300 people RSVPd

  • ○  Lots of fun, great dj, awesome photo booth with airdrop!

  • ○  Glow items and candy were sold.

  • ○  Pizza and water were provided for the attendees.

  • ●  Boxes of Love

    • ○  110 boxes were donated from SRE.

    • ○  Meals on Wheels dropped off the Boxes of Love to the senior center.

  • ●  Book

    • ○  We will be using Literati again because Mrs. Rossi gave great feedback on them.

    • ○  Book Fair needs volunteers! A sign-up genius went out.

    • ○  Classes will be visiting during library time.

    • ○  All info is in the Wrangler Release and the PTO Newsletter.

    • ○  Reminders will go out to parents.

  • ●  International Night

    • ○  Event will be March 10 at 5pm.

    • ○  30 countries have signed up.

    • ○  Ambassador guidelines are up on the PTO website.

    • ○  Wed, Feb 22 will be an ambassador meeting via Zoom.

    • ○  PTO is very excited about this event.

  • ●  SRE Wrangler Festival / Spring Festival

    • ○  April 14 – 4-7pm

    • ○  Libet presented and gave a shout out to Kira and Shilpa for all their help.

    • ○  This will be a scaled down version of previous WRU events with the budget being

      $5,000 (previous budgets - $20,000).

    • ○  There will be food trucks, and PTO will get 10% of all the sales (Tiki Ice will give


    • ○  Two sign-up geniuses went out seeking volunteers, and all spaces have been


    • ○  Sponsorship is still needed.

    • ○  Kira will create a sign-up genius for silent auction items.

    • ○  Committee has the fire permit.

    • ○  PTO does not have a raffle license, so we cannot sell raffle tickets. Only silent

      auction items.

    • ○  Board discussed the possibility of room reps taking on the responsibility to create

      a basket for each room that can be used for the silent auction, and April 7 would

      be the deadline for the baskets.

  • ●  Nomination Committee

    • ○  Suverna presented.

    • ○  Election will be on March 22 at 8:30am in the library.

    • ○  In January nomination forms were distributed.

    • ○  The nominees for the PTO Board for 2023-2024 are as follows:

      • President: Kira Grossi

      • Vice President: Lianna Lechunga

      • Treasurer: Shilpa Muthyala (pending an amendment to the bylaws)


  • Financial Secretary: Madhu Chwala

  • Recording Secretary: Sabra Rettman

  • Historian: Ana Hill

  • Auditor: Shannon Sumeme

○ Nominations for any position are open all the way up to when the voting begins if you are qualified and interested.

Treasurer’s Report

  • ●  December 2022: $78,211.77

    • ○  Inflows: $1,883.74

    • ○  Outflows: $1,036.46

    • ○  Ending balance: $79,059.05

    • ○  Shilpa made a motion to pay December 2022 checks/motion carried.

    • ○  Motion to ratify November 2022 checks/motion carried.

  • ●  January 2023: $79,059.05

    • ○  Inflows: $503.36

    • ○  Outflows: $262.42

    • ○  Ending balance: $79,299.99

    • ○  Shilpa made a motion to pay January 2023 checks/motion carried.

    • ○  Motion to ratify December 2022 checks/motion carried.


  • ●  No Restaurant Night for February because it is a short month.

  • ●  Variety Show ticket sales begin in March.

    Meeting adjourned by Kira at 8:06pm.

    Sabra Rettman
    Recording Secretary
    Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO PTO Membership Meeting
    February 15, 2023


PTO Meeting Minutes 2023-03-22


PTO Minutes 2023-01-18