PTO Minutes 2023-01-18

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting
January 18, 2023

Kira Grossi called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting to order at 7:04pm via Zoom.

Pledge of Allegiance
Motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting/motion carried.

NO TREASURER REPORT as Shilpa is out of the country on a family emergency. Report will be included in next membership meeting 2/15/2023


*Principal Stenroos is very excited that most grades have booked their field trips for the year.

*Next Thursday (1/26/23) at Rancho Pico Jr. High. There will be a presentation on drug use awareness with the Sheriff and Counselors giving speeches and offering families advice on talking/dealing with this very important issue. Principal Stenroos encourages all parents to attend if they can.

*Principal reiterated the importance of picking up/dropping off students SAFELY and with CONSIDERATION of the rules put in place. Please do not cross the street unless it is at a crosswalk. THIS IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE.

*Coming up there will be “PBIS Expectation Stations” set up on the playground in an effort to remind the students of the behavior expectations of all Wrangler students.

*New playground rules have been put in place–and actually they are “old” rules that have kind of just gotten loose–SRE is “re-implementing” these safe play rules on the playground to ensure all students are as safe as they can be during recess.


*Teachers are VERY concerned about safety related to the Staff Parking Lot during dismissal. Perhaps a sign can be placed in the lot to remind parents/caregivers that it is indeed a STAFF parking lot. PTO President,Kira, said that PTO may have a metal stand/sign that can be used to help the teachers when entering/exiting the lot. This information should also be added to the “Wrangler Release” to help further educate parents/drivers about this safety concern.


*The Nomination Committee’s purpose is to help and recruit people for the PTO Board.

*Survena is the Chair.

*A form to apply/run for a position on the Board will be added to the PTO website.

*The qualification in order to run for a position on the PTO Board is that you must have previously chaired a committee, and demonstrated a keen desire to volunteer for the school.

*You can nominate yourself or someone else.

*The Parliamentarian is the only position that is not elected, it is appointed by the PTO President.

*March 22nd is the PTO election for the next school year. We will be hosting in-person voting. PRESIDENTS REPORT:
*Open enrollment for next year is currently underway.

*Zoom LCAP meeting will be 1/30/2023. During this meeting the District will be discussing their Accountability Plan for the following year. Items to be discussed are as follows: programs, staff, what parents are wanting to see happen on campus, what/how money is spent. Parent and caregivers suggestions will be taken under consideration during this meeting.

Committee Reports:

*Astronomy Night:
*1/27/23 5p-7p

*there will be crafts in the MPR

*a local astronomy group will be at SRE with their high powered telescopes so attendees can see the moon and some planets up close!

*A picnic style dinner is encouraged for participants and Curry PIzza will give our PTO 40% of sales for pizza ordered on this night!

*Mad Science:
*Mad Science was an overwhelming success! (thank you Kira!)PTO is considering

offering this again for students in April. More info on that TBD *Science Fair:

*1/27/23 is the deadline to enter
*paper flier going home with students soon. *20-30 submissions so far

*Family Dance:
*Dance will be 2/10/23

*Raj is the Chair.
*80’s theme and will take place in the MPR
*Crystal will be the DJ and will also provide fun lights and possible photobooth and

snacks will be provided.

*$1,000 budget

* More details TBD *Boxes of Love:

*Families are encouraged to build/make boxes for Seniors/Elders in our community to show them how much we appreciate them! Ideas for contents include; puzzles,books,mittens,hand written notes,etc.

* A flyer will go out with all the info.
*This is a warm and thoughtful activity and we encourage all students to


*International Night:
*Event will be on 3/10/23

*Jackie is the Chair
*So far there are 20 Host Countries
*Complete guidelines will be coming out very soon.

*Restaurant Night:
*Next PTO Membership meeting will be 2/15/23 *March PTO meeting will be in person!
Kira adjourned the meeting at 7:39pm

Sabra Rettman
Recording Secretary
Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting
January 18,, 2023

*PTO made $341.00 from The Stand hosting this night! Lots of positive


PTO Minutes 2023-02-15


PTO Minutes 2022-12-14