Make a donation.

Your Stevenson Ranch Elementary PTO looks forward to another great year of supporting our wonderful school community. The PTO partners with the school to provide additional enrichment programs, educationally driven activities, field trips, and family-fun events. To make these programs successful, we rely on the financial support of our Wrangler families.

Why do we need families to donate?

Our school is not fully funded to cover the costs of these extra programs and activities that help make Stevenson Ranch Elementary so great. The PTO prides itself on the number of programs that it can sponsor for the school every year thanks to the funds raised from our Wrangler families’ donations. We need to raise $250 per family to hit our school goal of $85,000 this school year. This is a direct-drive fundraiser. Direct-drive fundraisers are awesome because you DON’T have to sell cookies, chocolate bars, or wrapping paper. Your donation, and those from your friends, families, and employers, all go directly to support SRE with no overhead from another company. Donations are 100% tax deductible and go directly to SRE PTO.

We need your help to reach our goal and build our hive!

$ 88 – Innovations Program & WIN Teachers: A unique program at SRE in which students develop grade-level

appropriate projects in Astronomy, Journalism, Video Production, and more. PTO supports the WIN (What I Need) program where students get the help they need individually.

$ 50 – Field Trips: Provides transportation, admission costs, and additional staff if needed.

$ 35 – Teachers & Staff: PTO reimburses teachers for out-of-pocket purchases, $250 per teacher, and funds a week-long staff appreciation week.

$ 32 – Family & Social Events: Wrangler Festival, Movie Night, Trunk or Treat, International Night, Astronomy Night, 6th Grade Promotion, and more.

$ 30 – Academic Programs & Activities: Science Fair, Math Olympiad, Art Appreciation, Runner’s Club, Expressions, assemblies, and more.

$ 12 – Special Projects: A reserve fund for projects to better the school; Last year we purchased 20 brand-new iPads and cases for the school, this year we are looking at some campus beautification projects.

$ 3 – School Safety & Wellness: Disaster preparedness, community service projects, wellness room purchases & Kindness week.


Please choose the donation amount that best fits your family as ANY donation is greatly appreciated.

You can donate ONLINE or fill out and return the DONOR FORM by September 13th so we can meet our $85,000 goal.

2024 Donation Incentives:

This year PTO is excited to celebrate the success of our fundraiser with donation incentive goodies, including our infamous Wrangler Fall Festival!

  •  The class or classes with the highest level of participation in both lower grades (UPK -3), and upper grades (4-6) will each earn an ice cream party.

  •  All donors will be featured in the yearbook and on the Wrangler Bee Grateful Board.

How Do I Donate?

Don’t forget to share our donation link with family and friends. Anyone can donate in your child’s name, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, AND/OR friends! (Example: Love, Jack’s grandma & grandpa)

  • Do you work for a company that matches donations? This is a perfect opportunity to request a donation match that goes towards our non – profit organization SRE PTO.



    donate online by clicking the Donate Button

    Thank you for contributing to Stevenson Ranch Elementary, bettering the education of our students, and enhancing their school experience. Help us build our hive with your donations!