PTO Minutes 2022-11-16

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting
November 16, 2022

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting November 16, 2022

Kira Grossi called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School Membership Meeting to order at 10:02am (in person with Zoom option).

  • ●  Pledge of Allegiance.

  • ●  Motion to approve minutes from 10/19 membership meeting - carried.

    Treasurer’s Report

● October 2022

  • ○  Beginning balance: $102,130.37

  • ○  Inflows: $20,144.24

  • ○  Outflows: $8,410.86

  • ○  Ending balance: $113,863.75

  • ○  Shilpa made a motion to pay October 2022 checks/motion carried.

  • ○  Motion to ratify September 2022 checks/motion carried.

    Teachers’ Report - Jackie Willen

  • ●  Teachers are curious if we are having Wrangler Round Up.

  • ●  Kira will have a final decision by December’s membership meeting.

  • ●  Possible dates are April 21 or 28.

  • ●  This will be a scaled down, slightly different version of WRU, with activities including mini

    golf, carnival games, and an obstacle course.

  • ●  No chili contest or baking contest.

  • ●  Still working on the food situation for this event.

  • ●  All vendors will need to be booked by December. This is why we’ll have our final

    decision for this event by that date.

  • ●  We need fire permits now, and they each cost $250 per event.

  • ●  Mrs. Willen asked, are we using Apex? Board replied that we have done a direct drive

    Apex in the past but had parent hesitancy because they take a huge percent off the top. Board mentioned that perhaps we can use Apex for a particular one-off fundraiser (shade structures). But Board so far prefers Cheddar Up as our fundraising partner.

  • ●  Mrs. Willen asked about Elf Posse. Board replied that there is no budget for it but maybe we can look at it next year and possibly partner it with the canned food drive.

    Principal Stenroos’s Report

  • ●  Kindness Week is going really well. Thank you!

  • ●  Principal is giving tickets to kids for wearing superhero gear, jersey day gear.

  • ●  Principal is going into the classrooms to see the kids.

  • ●  Principal Stenroos said that parents want more spirit wear. Is the store closed? Kira replied that SRE PTO utilizes the company Step-in-House, and they decide when their store is open for purchases. Kira stated that she will ask the company to open the store again so that our parents can make more purchases.

  • ●  Kira told the membership that the PTO does not hold inventory stock in spirit wear.

  • ●  Principal Stenroos told members that the marquee project is still going strong. She recently filled out paperwork and is just waiting for the school board’s approval.

  • ●  Principal Stenroos made a point to emphasize that we are in flu season and to keep your students home if they are sick.

    Canned Food Drive

  • ●  Madhu Garner is the chair.

  • ●  Students are so excited about the canned food drive and take great pride in donating.

  • ●  Canned food drive ends 11/16.

  • ●  Committee needs volunteers to help load and drive the cans to the food pantry.

    President’s Report

● Final ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

○ ○ ○

Fundraiser Report
Parent donations: $65,800.
Corporate donations paid to date: $3,903.
Waiting on: $4,060.
Total donation collected to date: $69,703.
Cheddar Up total: $73,573 (reflects donations and Brock tickets paid). Paid Brock for 814 tickets @ $8 each = $6,512.
Presold 387 tickets @ 10 each = $3,870 (went into Cheddar Up).
Made $2 on presold tickets ($387 x 2) = $774 “profit”
PTO paid for 427 incentive tickets for fundraiser @ $8 ($427 x 8 = $3,416). (PTO paid tickets) - (profit on presale tickets) = total expense from PTO $3,416 - $774 = $2,642
PTO spent $2,642 on “free” tickets to Magic Show
Current budget is $700
Spent $351

  • Envelopes/raffle tickets, etc

  • Ice cream parties for winning classes
    Remainder is $349
    $2,642 - $349 = $2,293
    Shilpa made a motion for a one-time expense increase for the 2022/2023 fundraiser of $2,293. Motion carried.

Trunk or Treat

  • ●  Ana Hill is the chair.

  • ●  Event was a smashing success!

  • ●  600 attendees, almost double from last year.

  • ●  19 trunks and 27 pumpkins for the carving contest.


  • ●  Approximately 19,000 pieces of candy were donated. We did not run out of candy!

  • ●  The candy tracker was very successful.

  • ●  Event came in under budget.

  • ●  Event had 11 high school volunteers to assist.

  • ●  Shout out to Crystal for bringing the awesome wagon and to the family that made the amazing scarecrows.

    Kindness Counts Week

  • ●  Chair is Margaret Williamson.

  • ●  This is the first time SRE is doing Kindness Week, and so far everyone is thrilled about


  • ●  Event kicked off this week with Margaret’s family performing.

  • ●  Margaret stated that “the push is to teach a more deep down heartfelt kindness”.

  • ●  Various highlights include noticing "hidden heroes” in our everyday lives, teachers

    nominating kids in their classrooms who demonstrate kindness, and recognizing

    students that go above and beyond.

  • ●  There is no budget for this event.

  • ●  Chair wishes to extend a big thank you to Lianna and to Crystal.

    Yearbook Cover Contest

  • ●  Co-chairs are Kira Grossi and Lianna Lechuga.

  • ●

  • ●  Rollout will begin after Thanksgiving.

  • ●  Info and entry guidelines will be on the PTO website.

  • ●  Teachers and staff will be voting on the winners, not the students.

  • ●  Winners will be announced in January.

  • ●  There will be two winners, front cover and back cover.

  • ●  The theme is “being the I in kind”.

    Science Fair 2023

  • ●  A Google Doc with all the information will be going out after Thanksgiving break.

  • ●  February 1 will be set up. February 2 will be judging.

  • ●

    Astronomy Night

● January 27 volunteers from the local astronomy club will bring everything for the event.

Wizard of Oz Update

  • ●  Chairs have been found!

  • ●  Jeanine and Tamar will be chairing, with nine other people on the committee.

  • ●  Information will roll out after Thanksgiving break. Dates for rehearsals are TBD.

    Nominating Committee

  • ●  Chair is Gabby Borda.

  • ●  First meeting for the Nominating Committee will be in December.

  • ●  Committee needs five members plus an advisory.

  • ●  People that were on the Nominating Committee last year cannot join this year.

  • ●  Election happens in March 2023.

  • ●  Committee is currently looking for a Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Auditor, and



  • ●  Restaurant Night Presto Pasta brought in almost $200.

  • ●  Next Restaurant Night will be December 13 at a restaurant called The Stand (PTO

    receives 20% of all sales).
    The meeting was adjourned by Kira at 10:59am.

    Sabra Rettman
    Recording Secretary
    Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO PTO Membership Meeting
    November 16, 2022


PTO Minutes 2022-12-14


PTO Minutes 2022-10-19