PTO Minutes 2022-10-19

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting
October 19, 2022

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting October 19, 2022

Shilpa Muthyala called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School Membership Meeting to order at 7:02pm via Zoom.

  • ●  Pledge of Allegiance.

  • ●  Motion to approve minutes from 9/28 membership meeting - carried.

    Treasurer’s Report

● September 2022

  • ○  Beginning balance: $89,411.73

  • ○  Inflows: $14,812.18

  • ○  Outflows: $2,093.54

  • ○  Ending balance: $102,130.37

  • ○  Shilpa made a motion to pay September 2022 checks/motion carried.

  • ○  Motion to ratify August 2022 checks/motion carried.

    Principal Stenroos’s Report

  • ●  Tomorrow (10/20/2022), The Great Cali Shakeout will take place at all schools at

    8:45am. This is part of earthquake preparedness.

  • ●  Thank you to the PTO for the Disaster Prep bags resupply.

  • ●  Thank you to the Variety Show volunteers and parents that came to the Zoom meeting.

  • ●  The State of the District Meeting was last night (10/18/2022). Three parents from SRE

    went. At the meeting the following topics were discussed: Safety (doorbell systems), Curriculum–CAPST scores from last year were shared, and District Budget Information was shared.

    Teachers’ Report - Dori Greif

  • ●  Teachers are thankful for PTO support.

  • ●  Teachers think that Trunk or Treat monster is fun.

  • ●  All programs and events are appreciated.

  • ●  Teachers are very interested in SHADE COVERINGS.

  • ●  Principal Stenroos said she is aware of the shade covering requests and said that the

    approximate cost per shade covering is $120,000.

  • ●  Principal Stenroos said there is no plan to budget money for shade coverings, that

    measures put onto ballots is usually the only way to get money for these types of


  • ●  Meadows School just finished a similar project, and it took four years to raise the money.

  • ●  Kira brought up the idea of creating temporary cooling stations for the children during the hot months.

  • ●  Valencia Valley raised $50,000 through Apex Fundraising for their shade structures.

  • ●  Membership discussed the possibility of creating a second fundraiser to fund shade


    President’s Report

  • ●  Committee Reports

    • ○  There are two committee chair vacancies: Amazon/Smiles and Wizard of Oz.

    • ○  Amazon/Smiles committee chair will teach families how to link their credit cards

      to Amazon and Ralph’s so that for each purchase, SRE gets a very small


    • ○  The chair would need to create a flier to help families understand the procedure.

    • ○  No one has stepped up to chair the Wizard of Oz committee. This has been

      brought up at the last two PTO meetings.

    • ○  The deadline for this committee will be by the November membership meeting. If

      no one steps up we will put a pause on it this year. Kira described again in concise details to the membership what it would entail to chair the Wizard of Oz committee.

  • ●  Fundraiser update / Magic Show

    • ○  All positive feedback!

    • ○  There is a push to have Brock Edwards come back because he does three different magic shows.

    • ○  Next year we want to do it outside.

    • ○  So far we have $68,500 in for our fundraiser!

    • ○  Final fundraising numbers will be available in a few weeks.

    • ○  Ice cream party winners are UPK-3: Arnot and Willen, 4th-6th: Evans and


    • ○  Universal tickets were given via a randomizer to #124-Xi Lin Chin.

  • ●  Gift Card Sales

    • ○  This is an efficient, quick way for the school to make money.

    • ○  Information on this will roll out in November.

    • ○  Sales will be from November through winter break.

  • ●  Canned Food Drive / Thanksgiving Food Drive

    • ○  Maduh Chawla is the chair.

    • ○  Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive from November 2-16.

    • ○  Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry, Newhall is the recipient.

    • ○  Flier will be sent out via Parent Square and PTO emails with details including

      dates and food items for donations.

    • ○  Items will be collected in classrooms and placed in donation boxes.

    • ○  The committee is asking Home Depot for box donations.

    • ○  Volunteers will collect the items daily and store them in the PTO office.

    • ○  Volunteers will track class progress daily.

    • ○  There will be class contests and prizes.

    • ○  Turkeys will be posted on the board outside of the library to mark class progress.

  • ○  Classes with the most donated items will receive an ice cream party on Thursday, November 17.

  • ○  One winner each from upper and lower grades will win a party.

  • ○  The committee chair created a beautiful flier with all the details.

  • ○  The budget for this comes from the Helping Hands line item.

  • ●  Trunk or Treat

    • ○  400 RSVPs so far.

    • ○  19 out of 30 trunks have signed up.

    • ○  22 pumpkin entries.

    • ○  Candy donations are looking good.

    • ○  The Chair asked Dori to remind teachers that they are encouraged to participate.

  • ●  Kindness Week

    • ○  November 14-17

    • ○  Margaret Williamson shared a beautiful proposal.

    • ○  Committee Statement: Our goal is to foster a more inclusive and helpful

      environment for our students and staff. We will focus on the distinction between

      being “friendly” and being “a friend” with emphasis on kindness and action.

    • ○  There will be a “wonder” specific assembly during Kindness Week.

    • ○  Monday: “Difference and Inclusion” (students are encouraged to wear SRE spirit

      wear). There will be a morning assembly to explain the week, and a take-home

      packet will be given to students.

    • ○  Tuesday: “Widen Your Circle” (students are encouraged to wear their class

      specific colors for this event...UPK-K: red, 1st: orange, 2nd: yellow, 3rd: green,

      4th: blue, 5th: purple, 6th: white).

    • ○  Wednesday: “Hidden Heroes” (students are encouraged to see how many people

      make the school great and send them a thank you note).

    • ○  Thursday: “Kind to Me” (students are encouraged to be kind to themselves today

      and to wear their favorite team jersey).

    • ○  The Committee is considering making t-shirts for this week’s event.

  • ●  Restaurant Night

    • ○  Chipotle was a success. The school raised $285.

    • ○  Presto Pasta night will be 11/15.


  • ●  Possible in-person PTO meeting for November.

  • ●  The fundraising link in Cheddar Up will be open all year long.

    The meeting was adjourned by Kira at 8:15pm.

    Sabra Rettman
    Recording Secretary
    Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO PTO Membership Meeting
    October 19, 2022


PTO Minutes 2022-11-16


PTO Minutes 2022-09-28