PTO Minutes 2022-09-28

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting September 28, 2022

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting September 28, 2022

Kira Grossi called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School Membership Meeting to order at 7pm via Zoom.

● Pledge of Allegiance.

Principal Stenroos’s Report (marquee)

  • ●  The school is moving forward with installing the new digital marquee this year. There is

    a school-wide celebration tomorrow, 9/29, for teachers and students to celebrate.

  • ●  Mrs. Grief related that shade structures for the school have been requested, but since

    the marquee is moving forward, funds are limited this year. We will plan fundraising differently in order to accommodate the request for shade structures for students.

    Treasurer’s Report

● August 2022: $82,006.88

  • ○  Inflows: $8,653.62

  • ○  Outflows: $1,248.77

  • ○  Ending balance: $89,411.73

  • ○  Shilpa made a motion to pay August 2022 checks/motion carried.

  • ○  Motion to ratify July 2022 checks/motion carried.

  • ●  Motion

  • ●  A Member wanted clarification on why an increase for the Innovation&Intervention

    Program was necessary. Principal Stenroos again explained the origins of this agreement between SRE and the PTO to help fund the Innovations and Intervention program. Principal Stenroos explained again that SRE and the PTO agreed seven years ago that PTO donations totalling $35,000 would be allocated to the Innovations and Intervention program for SRE. This was the standing arrangement / agreement for five years in a row. For the last two years, only $8,400 was needed for the Innovations and Intervention program because of the effect of the covid pandemic. Unfortunately, Principal Lankford was not up to speed on the history of this program. Principal Stenroos is aware of this agreement because she worked under Principal Rose at the beginning of this program. Another member asked Principal Stenroos to explain why the Innovations and Intervention program is important. Principal Stenroos replied that small differentiated instruction for these teachers helps give us the ability to help students so that we can reach standard. These students that need the small differentiated instruction are pulled out of class and given that instruction by a certified and credentialed teacher that is funded by the Innovations and Intervention program. It is

to approve minutes from 8/24. Motion carried.

important that our school offers individualized, specialized help for certain students without having to move them completely into special education. Principal Stenroos continued that Principal Rose, when designing the Innovations and Intervention program, wanted to have an eight-week enrichment program also for all students. We are the only school in the district that offers an enrichment program. Innovations and Intervention is a help and enrichment program available to all students at SRE. If PTO is unwilling to keep this agreement to help fund this program, our school will lose the program.

  • ●  Mrs. Z (SRE teacher) spoke highly in favor of this program.

  • ●  Shilpa said PTO is only committing to $20,000 for the Innovations&Intervention Program

    this year.

  • ●  Shilpa made a motion to increase the Innovation and Intervention program from $8,400

    to $20,000. Motion carried.

  • ●  Currently the school district is funding an additional teacher for Intervention because of

    “learning loss due to the covid pandemic”. That funding is only for this school year as it was part of the covid relief plan. That additional funding will not be available for the 2023-2024 school year.

    Auditor’s Report

  • ●  Jan 2022 - June 2022 prepared by Denise Covert

  • ●  No issues reported from Jan 2022 - June 2022.

  • ●  Denise made a motion to approve the auditor's report. Motion carried.

    President’s Report

  • ●  Covid protocols have all been lifted.

  • ●  School visitors still need to scan id to enter campus.

  • ●  Kira recommended that all members attend the State of the District Meeting for the

    Newhall School District to get all up-to-date information on Tuesday, October 18 at 6pm.

  • ●  Magic show is on 10/7.

  • ●  Restaurant night at Chipotle is on 10/12.

  • ●  Trunk or Treat is on 10/28.

  • ●  Next PTO meeting is on 10/19.

○ Committee Reports

■ Fundraiser

  • ●  Fundraiser close to $40,000.

  • ●  October 5th is the soft end of the fundraiser.

  • ●  Students loved the Brock Edwards school assembly. Brock

    Edwards focused on an anti-bullying magic act.

  • ●  Each family that donates $175 gets two tickets to the October 7th

    magic show.

  • ●  Each family that donates $360 gets four tickets to the October 7th

    magic show.

  • ●  PTO will have raffle tickets available at the magic show.

  • ●  Families are able to donate to the fall fundraiser through Cheddar Up or with the envelope sent home.

  • ●  Highest class participation in the fall fundraiser gets an ice cream party, divided by upper and lower grades.

  • ●  PTO has a huge ice cream billboard in the hallway to motivate classes to encourage participation.

  • ●  Steve Pope sent out an email blast only to families that have not donated.

  • ●  Corporate matching funding is available on Cheddar Up.

  • ●  Benevity is the corporate donation matching website that we use.

  • ●  $18,000 was given in corporate donations last year.

■ Wizard of Oz

  • ●  We still need a chair for this committee.

  • ●  The chair has to be a 2nd grade parent.

  • ●  Previous parent chairs are here to help.

  • ●  PTO helps but does not sponsor Wizard of Oz.


  • Variety

    • ●  This year’s theme is “SRE Goes to Broadway!”

    • ●  Mandatory meetings to be eligible to participate in the Variety

      Show will be on Oct 18th at 7pm and/or Oct 19th at 10am.

    • ●  Parents must attend one of the meetings in order to sign up their

      student to be in the Variety Show.

    • ●  Kira will send information out to the student body regarding the

      Variety Show and the mandatory dates.

    • ●  There is a traditional 6th grade act incorporated into each year’s

      Variety Show that is very special and is tied into the 6th graders moving on to Junior High. It is encouraged that 6th graders participate in the 6th grade act if possible.

  • Movie Night Recap

● Lianna was the chair and reported that Movie Night came in under

budget and everyone had a blast! ■ Trunk or Treat

  • ●  Ana Hill is the chair.

  • ●  This is the second annual Wrangler Trunk or Treat.

  • ●  Last year was a huge success with a very big turnout.

  • ●  A link will go out next week for families to sign up for contests and

    to review the guidelines.

  • ●  The pumpkin carving contest is new for this year.

  • ●  The pumpkins will be brought to the school already carved and put

    on display at the flagpole.

  • ●  The pumpkins will be judged based on which one is the funniest,

    spookiest, craziest.

  • ●  We will need lots of candy donations for this event.

  • ●  We are requesting that families donate candy bags with at least 200 pieces in each bag.

  • ●  There were candy handout issues at last year’s Trunk or Treat, but all of those issues have been addressed.

  • Wrangler Round Up

    • ●  A preliminary proposal was presented to the membership.

    • ●  The last Wrangler Round Up was in 2019.

    • ●  Many members want to keep the Wrangler Round Up tradition


    • ●  Tentative date is April 28, 2023.

    • ●  Committee is still gathering data.

    • ●  Committee is sending a survey out.

    • ●  Committee has conducted outreach to area schools and is

      currently waiting for responses regarding vendors and budget.

    • ●  Committee is asking the PTO for $8,000 to do this event. This is

      primarily for deposits for various vendors.

    • ●  Various ideas include:

      • ○  Having sponsors for this event.

      • ○  Taking a percentage of potential food truck sales.

      • ○  Asking for parent volunteers to lead activities.

      • ○  Food and drink will be additional charges.

    • ●  Usually it takes 6-8 months to plan Wrangler Round Up.

    • ●  Fire permits are now needed.

    • ●  Board expressed concern over giving $8,000 to this event

      referencing that our current budget is extremely tight and cannot

      take a hit.

    • ●  The Wrangler Round Up survey is set to go out in the next PTO

      newsletter. Survey was given in chat during the meeting as well.

    • ●  Four chairs are required for the Wrangler Round Up committee.

    • ●  Regarding possible food trucks at Wrangler Round Up, there is an

      issue of a possible million dollar insurance policy that has to be in

      effect in order for food trucks to come on to the school campus.

    • ●  Potential ticket price is $10 per person.

    • ●  Membership likes the ticket price.

    • ●  The raffle license for SRE is still pending.

    • ●  The fire department contact for a list of approved activities is

      Frank at our local fire department.

  • International Week

    • ●  This event will take place March 6-10, 2023.

    • ●  This is a new event for SRE students and families.

    • ●  Committee presented a proposal at the membership meeting.

    • ●  International Week is a week-long event filled with various

      activities that celebrate and highlight SRE’s multi-cultural community.

  • ●  15 volunteers have already signed up to help.

  • ●  Preliminary budget is $238 but ultimately the budget is TBD based

    on who wants to participate.

  • ●  A limited number of trifolds for booth presentations will be


  • ●  There will be travel journals given to students, one for upper

    grades, another for lower grades.

  • ●  This event will culminate in an after-school event with food

    sampling and a presentation.

  • ●  The after-school portion of this event will require PTO to hire a

    custodian for $40/hour with a minimum of four hours.

  • ●  Membership is very much looking forward and excited for this



● SRE releases two newsletters: (1) The Wrangler Release from Mrs. Stenroos, and (2)

PTO Newsletter which will come out on Sundays or Mondays. Meeting adjourned by Kira at 9:14pm.

Sabra Rettman
Recording Secretary
Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO PTO Membership Meeting
September 28, 2022


PTO Minutes 2022-10-19


PTO Minutes 2022-08-24