PTO Minutes 2022-08-24

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting
August 24, 2022

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Membership Meeting August 24, 2022

Kira Grossi called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School Membership Meeting to order at 7:02pm via Zoom.

  • ●  Pledge of Allegiance.

  • ●  Kira introduced the Board to the membership.

  • ●  Minutes were approved from May 2022.

    Treasurer's Report - Shilpa Muthyala

● Shilpa made a motion to close the budget and reopen the budget/motion carried.

May 2022: $97,849.13
Inflows: $8,856.62
Outflows: $5,860.50
Ending balance: $100,845.25
Shilpa made a motion to pay May 2022 checks/motion carried. Motion to ratify April 2022 checks/motion carried.

June 2022: $100,845.25
Inflows: $1,210.77
Outflows: $13,188.18
Ending balance: $88,867.84
Shilpa made a motion to approve June 2022 treasurer report/motion carried. Shilpa made a motion to pay June 2022 checks/motion carried.

Motion to ratify May 2022 checks/motion carried.

July 2022: $88,867.84
Inflows: $0.72 (interest)
Outflows: $6,861.68
Ending balance: $82,006.88
Shilpa made a motion to pay July 2022 checks/motion carried.
Shilpa made a motion to ratify checks/EFT June 2022/motion carried.

Shilpa made a motion to approve the budget for 2022-2023/motion carried.

  • ●  Budget numbers are based on last year’s expenses.

  • ●  VIP day raised from $500 to $550.

  • ●  Garden was not made into a line item.

  • ○  Some budget was set aside for the garden, but the garden is district funded, not PTO funded.

  • ○  Garden was never voted on.

  • ○  It will require $1,800 to finish the garden.

  • ○  Question regarding the garden: Who will administer the upkeep?

  • ○  Mr. Lankford put it in the school plan, and Mrs. Stenroos reiterated that that is a

    “living document”.

  • ○  $1,500 was put into starting it up.

  • ○  Board discussed the need for volunteers.

  • ○  Mrs. Stenroos will follow up TBD.

  • ○  Board decided we don’t have the money for the garden.

  • ○  A proposal was never presented to the PTO for the garden.

  • ○  Kira will explore creating a committee for the garden once she gets the go ahead

    from Mrs. Stenroos.

  • ○  Faviana discussed creating a proposed garden curriculum.

  • ○  Kira said she will reach out to Mr. Evans and create a volunteer/interest list.


  • ●  Huge discussion last year regarding the marquee.

  • ●  PTO and Mrs. Stenroos hope to complete the marquee this year (a new digital


  • ●  School board has not closed their books. They will at the end of September. Mrs.

    Stenroos said TBD.

    President’s Report

    Volunteer covid protocols per district policy.

  • ●  Vax card or negative test to enter school grounds.

  • ●  Not required for outside or after school hours.

  • ●  Still need to scan i.d.

    Roster Information and PTO Email Updates

  • ●  PTO is focusing on our own email blast.

  • ●  Ellen is in charge of the room reps and will collect roster information and direct parents

    to our PTO website to consent for PTO communication.


  • ●  Enrichment: hope to start Parker Andrews in the spring.

  • ●  Gift card sales: past profit has been approximately $800-$1,000.

  • ●  Amber Calhooberger is a point person for Gift cards.

  • ●  Restaurant night: MOD Pizza was a great success with a profit of 341.37. Chipotle is

    coming up next.

  • ●  September 19th will be the Brock Edwards assembly.

  • ●  Astronomy Night is a go. Sign up link was provided in the agenda.

  • ●  Trunk or treat will be on October 28, 5-7:30pm. Contest for funniest and scariest trunks. Pumpkin carving contest. Will send a “save the date” notification to parents.

  • ●  PBIS - PTO plays a role along with the staff in the school.

  • ●  Disaster prep - budget was increased, and school will collect Amazon wish list items until

    the month of August.

  • ●  Elf Posse motion to remove / carried.

  • ●  Expressions will be in the spring.

  • ●  Family dance - will have a sweetheart theme, Feb 10, MPR.

  • ●  Family movie night - Sept 23, 6pm. Sonic 2. Be sure to clear outdoor events with the

    fire marshall and get a permit.

  • ●  VIP Day will be in April.

  • ●  Helping Hands - Nov will have a canned food drive. Feb will have Boxes of Love.

  • ●  Math Olympiad, link was provided in agenda for grades 4th/5th/6th. Flier going out for a

    parent zoom meeting next week.

  • ●  Geography Bee was canceled.

  • ●  Spelling Bee - need a chair TBD.

  • ●  Parent Social TBD.

  • ●  Faviana will research possible locations.

  • ●  Red Ribbon Week / Good Choices Week - possibly in December, TBD.

  • ●  Runner’s Club will begin the first Wednesday after Labor Day. School district board

    loves this club and will replicate it at other schools.

  • ●  Science Fair - date TBD

  • ●  International Night - Jackie is the chair - will be in MPR or room or classrooms. Parents

    will sign up for the country of their choice and use a trifold format. Encouraged to bring

    craft, food or dance from the country of their choice.

  • ●  Variety Show - need dates, TBD. Jennifer Shuper is the chair. Theme - SRE goes to


  • ●  Spirit Wear - store will close Aug 28.

  • ●  Wizard of Oz - we have a chair, room reps will send out a need for help.

  • ●  Wrangler Round-Up

    • ○  Board voted to remove it from the budget.

    • ○  Risk of not selling enough tickets.

    • ○  Not a profitable event.

    • ○  Kira will take a list of people who want to be on the committee and research

      current prices.

    • ○  Final decision will be made at the next membership meeting in September.


  • ●  Direct donation drive incorporated into a magic show (Brock Edwards) + raffle baskets.

  • ●  Sept 19 kickoff


  • ●  Discussed possibly doing PTO in person meetings during school hours.

  • ●  Ellen did not speak about the room rep meeting.

  • ●  SRE now has an art teacher.

    Meeting adjourned by Kira at 9:14pm.

    Sabra Rettman
    Recording Secretary
    Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO PTO Membership Meeting
    August 24, 2022


PTO Minutes 2022-09-28