PTO Minutes 2022-04-20
Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
April 20, 2022
Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting April 20, 2022
Gaby Borda called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. via Zoom.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Nairy motioned to approve the minutes from the February meeting which were
sent out via Parent Square. Seconded, motion carried.
Nairy motioned to approve the minutes from the March meeting which were
sent out via Parent Square. Seconded, motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Shilpa Muthyala
Beginning Balance: $98,410.56 Inflows: $7,280.35
Outflows: $3,958.81
Ending Balance: $101,732.10Ratification of Bills - Moved to ratify checks and EFTs for February. It was seconded, motion carried.
Presentation of Bills - Moved to pay the bills for March. It was seconded, motion carried.PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Gaby Borda
Preparing for Book Fair – we will be using new vendor – Literati’s - We receive 50% of sales, with no cost to us
- Need volunteers May 16 – May 20, after school Graduation
- June 9, 8:30 am, gym at Rancho Pico- 5th grade parents will help
- Currently collecting pictures
Tikiz Truck
- After school, Fridays, starting April 29th
- 20% back to school
- costs $30,000
Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
April 20, 2022
- Funds were left over from 2020-21 (due to events being cancelled because of COVID). This will help offset costs.
- Lankford will pay for half with his discretionary fund.
Motion made for PTO to pay $15,000 towards school marquee. It was seconded,
motion carried.
Smart Board in Art Room being replaced by school.
Intervention – Planning on having two intervention teachers in place for next year.
Letter for cutouts in Work Room are in need of replacing. They are currently on sale
for $714 instead of $1,020. This would include both upper case and lower case.
Motion made to replace letter cutouts in Work Room in the amount of $714.
Seconded, motion carried.
Family Picnic – consideration being given to having event.
RUNNER’S CLUB – Steve Pope
Ceremony on Monday
Record number of metals: 215 metals; 613 participants; 36,000 laps completed.
Some teachers participated, too!
If children were absent for ceremony, metals are being held at school office.
Co-chairing with Sabra Rettman
130 submissions
May 11th awards assembly split into two parts: Lower grades 6-6:45/Upper grades:
Need volunteers
VARIETY SHOW – Gaby Borda reported
About $3,000 profited
May 2-6
“Around the Globe” theme
Different events scheduled Mon-Fri
SCIENCE FAIR – Simmy Shirazi
Extended deadline
77 participants
Wed, April 27 - Lower Grades: 6-7; Upper Grades: 7-8; MPR
Need judges/volunteers on morning of 27th
Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
April 20, 2022
Family Dance – Liana Lechuga
This Friday, outside on field, 6-8
380 RSVP’s
Will have pizza, juice, Tikiz (which will donate 20% back to school)
Restaurant Night – Kira Grossi
Lazy Dog – Tuesday, May 17th
Made $250 on Curry Pizza
After-School Enrichment – Nairy Simonyan
District COVID restrictions do not allow us to have the program at this time.
School site meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
Open House in-person: Thursday, May 5, 5-6:30; Will also be a minimum day.
Intercom system is 90% operational. Waiting on some parts.
CAASP Testing – Week of May 16th and 23rd. Only for grades 3 and up.
Student discipline: Teaching and Guiding; Intervention and Counseling. Lankford is
always available, if needed.
Innovations projects will be in the library during Open House.
Visit website.
Join FaceBook group.
May 17th – Restaurant Night.
Next PTO meeting will be May 18th, not 11th.
*PTO is making their best efforts given the current COVID pandemic.
Meeting adjourned at 8:33 PM.
Nairy Simonyan
Recording Secretary
Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting – April 20, 2022