PTO Minutes 2022-05-18

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
May 18, 2022

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
May 18, 2022

Gaby Borda called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting to order at 7:08 P.M. in-person and via Zoom.

Pledge of Allegiance.

 Nairy motioned to approve the minutes from the April meeting which were sent

out via Parent Square. Seconded, motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Shilpa Muthyala

Beginning Balance: $101,732.10 Inflows: $1,490.76
Outflows: $5,373.73
Ending Balance: $97,849.13

Ratification of Bills - Moved to ratify checks and EFTs for March. It was seconded, motion carried.
Presentation of Bills - Moved to pay the bills for April. It was seconded, motion carried.

(Please see Treasurer Report)


  •   Book Fair – up to date, $6,500 in sales
    - exceeded minimum requirement, so we are able to receive cash - profits will go to librarian to purchase books

  •   6th grade Graduation
    - June 9, 8:30 am, gym at Rancho Pico

    - Current budget: $1,500
    - Motion made to increase budged by $400; It was seconded, motion carried.

  •   Tikiz Truck
    - After school, Fridays, till May 27th

    - 20% back to school

  •   Yearbooks

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
May 18, 2022

- expected to arrive by June 3rd

- Considering a family picnic to sign yearbooks  Budget

- Motion made to open budget for 2022-23 academic year. Seconded, motion carried.


EXPRESSIONS – Sabra Rettman/Ana Hill

  •   Event was successful!

  •   Will return art work before school lets out, by class

    TEACHER APPRECIATION – Shilpa Muthyala

  •   Included yard supervisors

  •   Purchased die-cuts for faculty room

  •   Gave t-shirts to teachers

  •   Sign outside for teachers

  •   Stayed under $2,700 budget

    SCIENCE FAIR – Gaby Borda (for Simmy Shirazi)

  •   Within budget

  •   Will give trophies at a later date

    RALPH’S CLUB – Nairy Simonyan

 PTO has earned $1,532 so far this year. We are still awaiting a check for Quarter4.

PJ’s PLAYHOUSE – Crystal

  •   Shared story of 4-year old PJ who has same syndrome as “Auggie” from Wonder.

  •   Wants to put on an event that promotes kindness and inclusion.

  •   Discussed possibility of event at the beginning of next school year, with potential

    focus in fourth grade.


  •   If we pay dues by June 30th, we save $90 in registration fees for Math Olympiad.

  •   Motion was made to prepay registration fees this year (in order to save money),

    and have the funds come out of next year’s “Math Olympiad” budget. Seconded, motion carried.


Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
May 18, 2022

  •   Thanked PTO

  •   Students currently participating in state testing. Encouraged families to provide

    students with healthy breakfasts.

  •   PBIS incentives

  •   May 25 – Assembly to thank volunteers

  •   DreamBox Rewards Program - extra recess for students who earn it

  •   DEAR - Drop Everything and Read – Will be reading on field

  •   COVID Updates – masks not required; encouraged if “close contact.”

  •   Incoming Kindergarten students being assessed for next academic year.

  •   Universal Pre-K (formerly TK) – 48 capacity

  •   Mental Health Services

  •   Mr. Lankford will find out what emergency supplies district provides, so PTO can

    determine what additional supplies are needed.

    TEACHER REPORT – Dori Greif

  •   Thanked PTO on behalf of all teachers/staff

  •   Discussed possibility of attaining newer computers, extra headphones, and

    playground equipment. Will discuss for next year.

    2022-23 BOARD

  •   President: Kira Grossi

  •   Vice President: Ellen Geraghty

  •   Secretary – Sabra Rettman

  •   Historian – Steven Pope

  •   Auditor – Denise Covert

  •   Treasurer – Shilpa Muthyala

  •   Financial Secretary – Kevin Yuan

    Meeting adjourned at 8:33 PM.

    *PTO is making their best efforts given the current COVID pandemic.

    ** GARDENING PROJECT - PTO Executive Board voted to grant Gardening Project a $500 budget for items that were already purchased. This decision in no way decides where project is slated for next year, financially. This vote was passed within the Executive Board because there were no more general meetings scheduled for the academic year.**

Nairy Simonyan

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
May 18, 2022

Recording Secretary
Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting – May 18, 2022


PTO Minutes 2022-04-20