PTO Minutes 2022-03-16

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School
PTO Association Meeting
March 16, 2022

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School
PTO Association Meeting
March 16, 2022

Gaby Borda called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting to order at 7:06
P.M. via Zoom.
Pledge of Allegiance.

Elections of 2022-2023 PTO Executive Board

Part 1: Nomination

1. The following people were nominated:
 President: Kira Grossi: president. Gaby asked if there was any other nominations for the
position and there was none.
 Vice President: Lianna Lechuga and Ellen Geraghty. Gaby asked if there was any other
nominations for the position and there was none.
 Treasury: Shilpa Muthyala. Gaby asked if there was any other nominations for the position
and there was none.
 Historian: Steve Pope. Gaby asked if there was any other nominations for the position and
there was none.
 Finance Secretary: Kevin Yuan. Gaby asked if there was any other nominations for the
position and there was none.
 Recording Secretary: Sabra Rettman. Gaby asked if there was any other nominations for the
position and there was none.
 Auditor: Denise Covert. Gaby asked if there was any other nominations for the position and
there was none.

2. Gaby asked if there are any other nominations for any of the positions. There was none in chat
and no hands were raised.

3. Mr. Lankford reminded that people could nominate others or themselves.

4. Since there were no further nominations, Gaby announced that the nomination was closed.

Part 2: Vote by Ballot

1. Gaby stated that if more than one person was nominated for a particular position, a ballot was
required according to the PTO Bylaw.
2. The Vice President was the only position with more than one nomination, and therefore
required a vote by ballot. The nominees were given time to address the membership.
3. Ellen Geraghty and Lianna Lechuga, nominees for the Vice President position, spoke about their
background and expressed their desire and reasons for serving at PTO executive board.
4. Mr. Lankford posted ballot of all positions in Google Form via Zoom chat. However, some
attendees were not able to open the form.
5. Steve Pope proposed to Mr. Lankford to create a Zoom poll for the Vice President position since
that was the only contested position
6. Mr. Lankford posted Zoom poll. Of the 51 polls he received, 27 were for Ellen Geraghty and 24
were for Lianna Lechuga. There were two additional ballots sent to Mr. Lankford in private,
which didn’t affect the outcome.

Part 3: Voice Vote

1. Gaby stated other positions didn’t need ballots. Only votes were needed to officiate them.
There were no objections to the procedure.
2. Gaby asked for voice voting for the following:
 President: Kira Grossi
 Treasury: Shilpa Muthyala
 Historian: Steve Pope
 Finance Secretary: Kevin Yuan
 Recording Secretary: Sabra Rettman
 Auditor: Denise Covert
3. The voice vote was unamimously in favor with no opposition voiced.
Part 4: Announcement of 2022-2023 Executive Board
1. Gaby announced the new PTO Executive Board for 2022-2023 school year:
 President: Kira Grossi
 Vice President: Ellen Geraghty
 Treasury: Shilpa Muthyala
 Historian: Steve Pope
 Finance Secretary: Kevin Yuan
 Recording Secretary: Sabra Rettman
 Auditor: Denise Covert

2. Gaby also stated Parliamentarian would be appointed by the incoming President.

Approval of prior meeting minutes
 This was skipped due to the absence of Nairy Simonyan.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Shilpa Muthyala
1. Account balance
 Feb. beginning balance $77,132.95
 Feb. money in: $22,836.23
 Feb. money out: $1,558.62
 Feb. ending balance: $98,410.56
2. Payments
 Google mail monthly payment $30
 Check for fundraiser (envelops, etc.): $165.76
 Check for art appreciation: $731.09
 EFT monthly payment for QuickBooks: $80Stevenson Ranch Elementary School
PTO Association Meeting
March 16, 2022
 Check for movie night: $352.77
 Check for Math Olympiad $199
3. Receipts
 In: Cheddar Up fall fundraiser $21,565
 Trunk or Treat refund $45.56
 Corporate donation from fall fundraiser $1,225
 Interest $0.67
4. Shilpa made a motion to approve each of the check payment. Seconded. Approved. No
objections. Motion carried.
5. Shilpa made a motion to ratify checks in EFT. Seconded. Approved. No objections. Motion

1. Wrangler Round Up
 Gaby stated we had a survey to gauge how many people wanted this event. Although
majorities of respondents wanted it, but we didn’t have enough responses (only about 60
responded to the survey)
 Gaby stated this was a self-funded event. PTO funds had other programs with higher
priorities. This event was very expensive (about $20K). To break even, the event would need
more than 700 ticket sale plus sponsorships.
 Because of the above, Gaby proposed to have the event in fall 2022.
 A few parents wanted to see if we could make some changes to make the event happen in
the current school year. Ideas included scaling back the event (Gaby stated it would still cost
about $15K), or calling for parent volunteers in lieu of outside vendor to run the event. Gaby
mentioned the event likely needed more than 50 volunteers if we’d run it by ourselves. But
we didn’t have many volunteers from the survey, there were not enough time to plan and
for some games, there could be liability concerns.
 Gaby asked anyone who had ideas to do the vent this year without vendor to contact her.
Otherwise, we’d have to do it in fall 2022 and Gaby called for those who were interested in
planning to contact her.
 Lastly, Gaby told the audience that the outside vendor was Bart Carts.

2. Good choices Week in the coming week. The event is on PTO website. Gaby introduced daily
themes. Steve Pope mentioned Wednesday event would pair with Runner’s Club activities.

3. PTO website
 Gaby thanked Steve for his efforts to build the website.
 Steve said we had 520 unique visitors. People were particularly looking at Expressions. Steve
asked for feedbacks to make it more helpful to parents.
 Steve said to get the PTO website up and running, he paid $222.80 to,
which would support the website for one year. Steven then spent many hours building the
website himself, which would have cost more than $10K if it was done by consultants.
 There was a question whether this expense was one-time or ongoing. Steven said if the
website wasn’t needed in the future, then there wouldn’t be more expense, but if we
decided to keep the website, we’d have to pay it every year. There was a comment from
Kira that this expense should be built into the next year’s budget.
 Steve made a motion to reimburse the expense of $222.80 he prepaid which would be
covered by VIP Day budget since that event was cancelled. Melissa La Manna, the
Parliamentarian, provided some advice around the pending motion. Denise Covert, the
Auditor, requested that the money for the website expense came from the approved budget
for the VIP Day event, just as suggested by Steve.
 Steve Pope rescinded his initial motion and made a new motion for reimbursing him of the
$222.80 he paid to build the PTO website. The motion was seconded. Steve asked if anyone
wanted to have more discussions. Motion was approved. No oppose. Motion was carried.

4. Variety Show: 140 seats remaining to be sold. If all seats were sold, PTO would get $2K

5. Expression: submission due Mon 3/28

6. Family dance: scheduled for end of April.

7. Science Fair: Wed 4/29. Info is ready on website.

8. Teacher Appreciation Week: It will be the first week in May. It’s a week-long celebration.

9. 6th grade graduation: 11 parents are helping planning. It’s been 3 years since our last regular
graduation. The event will take place on 6/9.
Gaby stated anyone who wanted to be involved in any of the events could contact her.
New business
 Gaby asked Mr. Lankford if we could have in-person PTO meetings at school. Mr. Lankford
replied “Yes”. Gaby asked if people would need to show proof of vaccination. Mr. Lankford said
under current guidance, it was self-report.
 A few people mentioned they wouldn’t be able to come to the meeting at suggested time (in
the morning after drop off). Gaby said we would have Zoom option too.

1. Academic progress
 Reading and math support
 Ongoing reading programs. Successful Read Across America event.
 Dream Box was a good tool to achieve math goals. If goals were achieved, there would be
extra recess. This seems to be working for students.
 Targeted support for students.
2. Parent Teacher conference: 3/28 to 3/30. If parents want it, please email the teachers.
3. Covid updateStevenson Ranch Elementary School
PTO Association Meeting
March 16, 2022
4. School safety
 Encourage people to use cross walks.
 Don’t play in parking areas after dismissal.
 Notify office a few hours ahead if you change your pick up plan.
5. Lost and Found: We had a lot of stuff. These would be placed outside for people to pick up. If
they were not picked up by the spring break, the items would be donated.
6. Mr. Lankford wished everyone a wonderful spring break and would like to take questions.
 One parent thanked the Intervention program which was very helpful to her family. Mr.
Lankford mentioned this was part of the targeted support the school provided and would
share the feedback with the team.
7. Mr. Lankford also mentioned there was a calendar feature in the ParentSquare which may be
connected to your own calendar.
Restaurant Night
 Gaby stated Kira Grossi helped organize the restaurant night for March 24.
 Kira said it was the Curry Pizza Company newly opened in the neighborhood (previously
Rita’s Ice Custard).
 If you order online, put SRE in comments.
 If you order in store, tell the cashier about SRE.
 This is an all-day event from 11AM to 8PM, and they will provide 30% back to PTO.
 We could also build good relationships and get connected for future sponsorships.
Lastly, Gaby asked the audience to join PTO on Facebook and use PTO website, and our next meeting
would be on April 20, hopefully in person.

Meeting adjourned by Gaby at 8:39 P.M.
Kevin Yuan, Finance Secretary
On behalf of Nairy Simonyan, Recording Secretary


PTO Minutes 2022-04-20


PTO Minutes 2022-02-16