PTO Minutes 2022-02-16

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
February 16, 2022

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting February 16, 2022

Gaby Borda called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. via Zoom.

Pledge of Allegiance.

 Nairy motioned to approve the minutes from the January meeting which were

sent out via Parent Square. Seconded, motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Shilpa Muthyala

Beginning Balance: $78,601.71 Inflows: $210.67
Outflows: $1,679.43
Ending Balance: $77,132.95

Ratification of Bills - Moved to ratify checks and EFTs for December. It was seconded, motion carried.
Presentation of Bills - Moved to pay the bills for January. It was seconded, motion carried.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
February 16, 2022


  •   Boxes of Love – success

  •   WRU – Will send out survey to see if we have interest, we need to sell 700 tickets.

  •   Art Competition – Will launch in March

  •   VIP Day – skip this year

  •   2/22/22 – Tie Die Tuesday, 2 cans of donations

  •   BMX – March 18th

  •   Science Fair – info coming out soon.

  •   “Volunteer link” shared via zoom.

  •   Variety Show tickets will be on sale soon.

  •   Sixth grade graduation is June 9th.

    AUDITOR – Denise Covert

  •   Denise reviewed PTO books (including Treasurer Reports, Secretarial Reports, Bank Statements, Check Requests, and Budgets) for transparency and accuracy and found that everything was in order.

  •   Motion was made to approve Auditor Report for period between July 21, 2021- Dec 21, 2021. Seconded, motion carried.

    Auditor Report

    July 2021-Dec 2021 Prepared by: Denise Covert

    July 2021 – No issues August 2021 – No issues September 2021 – No issues October 2021 – No issues November 2021 – No issues December 2021 – No issues

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
February 16, 2022


 SRE PTO Board Nominations Slate o President – Kira Grossi

o Vice President – Ellen Geraghty/Marita o Recording Secretary – Sabra R
o Treasurer – Shilpa M
o Financial Secretary – Kevin Y

o Historian – Steve P
o Auditor – Denise C
o Parliamentarian – President nominates

 Still open for additional nominations

PTO WEBSITE – Steve Pope

  •   Steve briefly introduced new website:

  •   Feedback is welcome; please use “feedback” link on website.

    TEACHER REPORT – Dori Greif

  •   Teachers excited about BMX assembly. Teachers would like more assemblies. Assembly budget is 3,000; We have spent approximately $1,400 thus far. More assemblies will follow.

  •   Possibility of APEX? Will look into APEX if they provide a guarantee.

  •   Would like bulletin by MPR updated.

    PRINCIPAL’S REPORT – Mr. Lankford

  •   Thanked families for support.

  •   Student Achievement: In order to motivate students, Mr. Lankford will visit

    classroom if students do at least five lessons of Dreambox; Students will receive an

    extra recess if they do more than 15 Dreambox lessons.

  •   Parent conferences in March.

  •   Outdoor mask mandate removed.

  •   Students can sit in groups of 3-6 now.

  •   Cones are out now to help with traffic control.

  •   Intercom not working. Using two-way radios as backup until replacements arrive.


  •   Donations accepted all year long.

  •   SRE Families on FaceBook.

  •   Family Restaurant Night on February 24th at Panda Express. SRE gets 20%.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
February 16, 2022

  •   Student store sign-up – Need volunteers.

  •   Next PTO meeting – March 16.

    *PTO is making their best efforts given the current COVID pandemic.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:22 PM.

    Nairy Simonyan
    Recording Secretary
    Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting – February 16, 2022


PTO Minutes 2022-03-16


PTO Minutes 2022-01-26