PTO Minutes 2022-01-26

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School

PTO Association Meeting
January 26, 2022

Gaby Borda called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. via Zoom.

Pledge of Allegiance.

 Nairy motioned to approve the minutes from the December meeting which were

sent out via Parent Square. Seconded, motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Shilpa Muthyala

 The treasurer report is off by $185.88 from our last report. The discrepancy is in our favor. After review by the Treasurer and two other board members it was determined that the discrepancy was due to a system error.

November 2021 Report:

Beginning Balance: $47,254.30 Inflows: $16,619.03
Outflows: $491.41
Ending Balance: $63,381.92

Ratification of Bills – Moved to ratify checks and EFTs for October. It was seconded, motion carried.
Presentation of Bills – Moved to pay the bills for November. It was seconded, motion carried.

December 2021 Report: Beginning Balance: $63,381.92 Inflows: $15,329.79
Outflows: $110.00
Ending Balance: $78,601.71

- “split” means that multiple checks were combined. - Intuit is Quickbooks

Ratification of Bills – Moved to ratify checks and EFTs for November. It was seconded, motion carried.
Presentation of Bills – Moved to pay the bills for December. It was seconded, motion carried.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
January 26, 2022


 Most events are being held outside due to COVID:
o Family Dance – Considering month of April
o WRU – Need lots of volunteers. This event has paid for itself in past. Usually

costs $20,000.
o Expressions – End of March – need volunteers
o Book Fair – skipping this year
o VIP Day – Looking at moving event to outdoors
o Boxes of Love – To benefit Seniors of Santa Clarita o 2-22-22 – Tie Die Tues, donations

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
January 26, 2022

o Red Ribbon – Tie to assembly
o Science Fair – March
o 100th Day – Student Council will handle
o Yearbook – Room Rep will reach out; End of March deadline o Graduation – At Rancho Pico

 Announcements:
o Can donate all year long.
o Join SRE Families on FaceBook
o Feb 1, 9am, Meeting on Proposal to add 5G Power Tower by school.

BY-LAWS – Gaby Borda for Melissa LaManna

 Reach out to Parliamentarian with any proposed by-law changes.


  •   Need new members for the next academic year.

  •   Will send out interest form and will provide job descriptions. We can link you with

    previous member who can give you additional information and answer any


  •   Elections are on March 16th.


  •   Proposed budget of $500

  •   Fifth grade project. It was later determined that it would also be extended to sixth


  •   Will vote in February once we look at budget.

    BMX ASSEMBLY – Gaby Borda

  •   Outdoor event

  •   Recommended by teachers

  •   Cost is $1,470 (we have a $3,000 budget)

    PRINCIPAL’S REPORT – Mr. Lankford

    •   Thanked families for support.

    •   Registration for the 2022-23 academic year has started.

    •   LCAP advisory meeting, Feb 7, 6;30 pm.

    •   COVID restrictions are expected to change in the next couple of weeks.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
January 26, 2022

 Lunch Club – kickoff will be next week.
*PTO is making their best efforts given the current COVID pandemic.

Meeting adjourned.

Nairy Simonyan
Recording Secretary
Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting – January 26, 2022


PTO Minutes 2022-02-16


PTO Minutes 2021-12-08