PTO Minutes 2021-12-08

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

December 8, 2021 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School  

PTO Association Meeting 

December 8, 2021 

Gaby Borda called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting to  order at 7:06 P.M. via Zoom.  

Pledge of Allegiance. 

Attendees were asked to leave name/email address in chat. 

SECRETARY’S REPORT – Nairy Simonyan 

Nairy motioned to approve the minutes from the November meeting which were  sent out via Parent Square. Seconded, motion carried.  

TREASURER’S REPORT – Shilpa Muthyala absent. Report will be shared at the next  meeting.  


∙ Annual Giving 

o Thanked families for donations. Had a goal of $60,000. Current amount  fundraised is $49,333. Expecting an addition $5,000 (approximately) coming  in from corporate matches.  

o Donations open all year long.  

o 194 donations; 420 students. Top Participation Lower Grade- Willen; Top  Participation Upper Grade- Finley  

o Drawing - VIP Parking: Cindy & Jason Lew 

o Drawing - Principal For A Day: Brianna Buhr 

∙ Committee Chairs:  

o Gift cards are not happening this year.  

o Need a co-chair for Science Fair. Raj will co-chair.  

o Need a chair for Red Ribbon – Kira will chair.  

o Need a chair for Family Dance, which we can do outdoors when warmer.  o Expressions – need a chair 

o VIP Day – Outdoors? Will revisit later 

o Wranger Round Up – Need chairs and volunteers

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

December 8, 2021 



∙ First meeting was last Thursday. 

∙ Two Thursdays a month 

∙ Meet in library 

∙ Grades 4,5,6 


∙ Volunteers needed to help Ms. Ferguson during Art. Will send out dates and  request to get signups. 

RALPHS CLUB CARD/AMAZON SMILES – Gaby Borda/Nairy Simonyan  ∙ Reminded families to register Ralphs Club card in order for SRE to receive  donations. Your Ralphs loyalty phone number needs to be linked to SRE.  ∙ Amazon purchase has to be made through Amazon SMILES and also needs to be  linked to SRE in order for us to receive donations.  

∙ Encourage family/friends/neighbors to link their info, too. Easy money! NEW BUSINESS 


∙ Assembled a Nominating Committee for next year’s board. Anyone  interested was free to add name.  

∙ Annual election will be in March. Nominating Board will post board  descriptions.  

Moved to have the following parents on the Nominating Board (see  below). It was seconded, motion carried.  

1. Steve Pope 

2. Rushani Thomas 

3. Kira Grossi 

4. Denise Covert 

5. Raj Yeole 

Alternate - Melissa LaManna (Melissa withdrew and gave her seat to Raj; she  will be alternate) 

ANNUAL REVIEW – Melissa LaManna 

∙ Conflict of Interest form needs to be completed.  

∙ Expect to hear from Melissa.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

December 8, 2021 

LUNCH CLUB – Bobby DiPede 

∙ Discussed a lunch club/activity for students who are having a hard time socializing,  especially after remote learning. 

∙ Lankford will speak to librarian to check if library could be used to support  students. 

∙ Lankford will work with Student Council to solidify it. Hopefully, we can execute by  second week of January.  


∙ Thanked families for annual giving. 

∙ Over 90% participation for parent conferences. 

∙ Next Thursday – last day before break. Pajama day, too! 

∙ Still working on COVID restrictions; most events are outdoors, but gradually moving to having more programs on-campus.  

∙ “Stop the bleed” kits. – Lankford will get back to us to see if there is one per  classroom.  

WIZARD OF OZ – Emily Moffat 

∙ Will have a meeting on Dec 13, 7pm, via Zoom, to answer questions. ∙ Need a volunteer accompanist for May 26, 27 shows.  

YEARBOOK – Gaby Borda 

∙ Need volunteers 

*PTO is making their best efforts given the current COVID pandemic.  Meeting adjourned by Gaby at 8:08 P.M. 

Nairy Simonyan  

Recording Secretary 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO 

Association Meeting – December 8, 2021


PTO Minutes 2022-01-26


PTO Minutes 2021-11-17