PTO Minutes 2021-11-17

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

November 17, 2021 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School  

PTO Association Meeting 

November 17, 2021 

Gaby Borda called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting to  order at 7:04 P.M. via Zoom.  

Pledge of Allegiance. 

Attendees were asked to leave name/email address in chat. 

SECRETARY’S REPORT – Nairy Simonyan 

Nairy motioned to approve the minutes from the October meeting which were  sent out via Parent Square. Seconded, motion carried.  

TREASURER’S REPORT – Shilpa Muthyala 

Starting Balance: $47,972.51 

Inflows: $ 1,052.30 

Outflows: $ 1,956.39 

Ending Balance: $ 47,068.42 

Ratification of Bills - Moved to ratify checks and EFTs for September. It was seconded,  motion carried.  

Presentation of Bills - Moved to pay the bills for October. It was seconded, motion  carried. 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

November 17, 2021 


• All committees now have a chair, except Expressions. If interested, please contact  Gaby. 

• Fundraising:  

o A week and a half in, we are at $22,000; with another $5,000 in corporate  matching. Total so far approximately $27,000. 

o Dec 3 deadline. 

o Tracker booth was thrown out. 

o The two classes with the most participation will receive popsicle parties (1  lower grade/1 upper grade). 

o 100% of donations go to school. 

o Currently have 27% participation; goal is 100% participation.  

o For families who donate $150 or more, there will be a drawing for a teacher  parking spot for a month and a second drawing for principal for a day.  o Goal is $60,000. If we reach our goal, Mr. Lankford will do a “stunt” chosen  by students.  



• Over 450 attendees 

• Approximately 20 trunks 

• 100 bags of candy were donated 

• Event was scheduled to run from 5:00 – 8:00; however, by 5:30 we were out of  candy. Without candy there was no event, so more candy was purchased from local  markets causing them to go over budget by $668.81.  

• Budget was originally set for $500.  

Motion was made to increase Trunk-or-Treat budget by $700. Seconded, motion  carried (Trunk-or-Treat budget is now $1,200). 

Treasurer alerted body to please try to stay within budget and notify board if they are  expecting to go over budget.  

MATH OLYMPIAD – Kevin Yuan & Kira Grossi 

• Open to grades 4,5,6 

• There are 5 tests that need to be completed by March 

• Students will be given practice questions, which are provided by agency • Middle school kids can coach 

• Meeting will start sometime in December; students will meet once a month • 25-35 kids selected

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

November 17, 2021 

VARIETY SHOW – Kelly Asbra & Brianna Gruft 

• Already had two mandatory meetings; will have one more 

• Will only have two shows this year, not four 

• $3,500 already allocated in budget for Variety Show 


• Found COVID compliant vendor 

• Will reach out to folks 

• No date yet set 



• District Funding Allocation 

o COVID funds (from state) go to Title One schools first, and then to balance of  schools.  

o The learning support funds purpose is to support learning loss.  

o SRE just now filled the position. Staffing has been an issue.  

• All schools receive money based on student’s attendance. High  

needs/disadvantaged schools have more money allocated.  

• PTO money does not pay for staff. PTO money pays for other things which then  frees up money so school can do more.  

• We now have a substitute teacher three times a week. If she isn’t needed, she is  used in primary grades.  

• Kinder/1st grade is in high need right now.  

• New principal, Mr. Garcia, started today.  

• 1st Trimester Progress 

o Academic Needs – Meeting grade level expectations 

o Social Emotional Needs – Recognizing and supporting each other’s needs o Routines and Procedures – Adjusting back to on-campus activities • PBIS  

o BOOTS: Be Respectful – Own your actions – Operate Safely – Think kindly – Strive for success 

• Student Council 

o Student leadership in our school community 

o Grades 4,5,6 

o Classroom elections – 2 reps/1 alternate 

o Elections in December

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

November 17, 2021 

• Parent conferences 

o Thurs, Nov 18 and Fri, Nov 19 

o Report cards will be available Nov 19th 

• Attendance 

o Students should come to school, every day, on time 

o Absences need to be reported, with a reason 

o Excused versus unexcused absences 

*PTO is making their best efforts given the current COVID pandemic.  Meeting adjourned by Gaby at 8:26 P.M. 

Nairy Simonyan  

Recording Secretary 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO 

Association Meeting – November 17, 2021


PTO Minutes 2021-12-08


PTO Minutes 2021-10-20