PTO Minutes 2021-10-20

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

October 20, 2021 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School  

PTO Association Meeting 

October 20, 2021 

Gaby Borda called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting to  order at 7:06 P.M. via Zoom.  

Pledge of Allegiance. 

Attendees were asked to leave name/email address in chat.  

CHANGE IN BOARD – Historian (Kate Kennedy) stepped down; Gaby appointed new  Historian, Steve Pope.  

SECRETARY’S REPORT – Nairy Simonyan 

Nairy motioned to approve the minutes from the September meeting which were  sent out via Parent Square. Seconded, motion carried.  

∙ Reminder: PTO minutes will be shared via Parent Square.  

TREASURER’S REPORT – Shilpa Muthyala 

Starting Balance: $48,873.55 

Inflows: $ .40 

Outflows: $ 901.44 

Ending Balance: $ 47,972.51 

Ratification of Bills - Moved to ratify checks and EFTs for August. It was seconded,  motion carried.  

Presentation of Bills - Moved to pay the bills for September. It was seconded, motion  carried. 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

October 20, 2021 

∙ Shilpa explained some transactions from the previous report: 

o “Uncategorized” deposit from June 17, 2021 in the amount of $708.50 was from  multiple checks pooled together, including payments from mask  

reimbursements from Pico ($336.25) & Oak Hills ($288.25), Parker-Anderson ($30), Box Tops ($14), Front Stream ($40). Will put entries separately from now  on.  

o “Settlement” entry from June – settlement from a legal matter.  

o “Hospitality” - Infinity Promotions entry from June - purchase of face masks.  o “Cheddar Up” entry from June– electronic payment used to collect funds for  “Wizard of Oz.” 

∙ Shilpa explained how a “debit” in our reports is actually money in and a “credit” is  money out.  

∙ Budget/Revised Budget was briefly discussed and reviewed. Some programs are on  hold/removed due to COVID. Red= event will not move forward; yellow = Maybe;  unhighlighted = will move forward. Budgets were based on figures from 2018-19  which was our last “normal” year (due to COVID). 

Motion was made to approve Revised Opening Budget for 2021-22. It was  seconded, motion carried. (spreadsheet below)

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

October 20, 2021

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

October 20, 2021 


∙ Committee Chairs – Need committee chairs for events. Link shared to sign up.  ∙ It was requested that documents be shared 24 hours prior, if possible, when a vote  is needed for a document requiring “meaningful” consideration.  



∙ Great turnout/Successful event 

∙ Considering selling advertisements for next year to offset costs.  

TRUNK OR TREAT – Gaby Borda and Ana Hill 

∙ First annual 

∙ Outside in teacher parking lot 

∙ Need volunteers; see Sign-Up-Genius 

∙ Contest for best trunk  

RUNNER’S CLUB – Steve Pope 

∙ Using digital format instead of popsicle sticks; parents can see student participation.  ∙ Costs change based on the number of participants. 

∙ Have about 80% student body participation.  


∙ Had a poll on FB and MOD won for next Restaurant Night.  

∙ Certain restaurants don’t offer Restaurant Nights on Friday nights (or at all).  

STUDENT STORE – Kira Grossi 

∙ Store alternates by grades  

∙ Will have a “carnival activity” to use gold bars (ie. music/bubbles/etc.) 


∙ Direct Donation 

∙ Goal is $50,000 

∙ More details to follow

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

October 20, 2021 



∙ Discussed having a student garden at Site Council. 

∙ Question was posed if maintenance would be done by students or staff? ∙ A proposal was requested with pertinent information.  


∙ It was discussed that students are asked to sit down in a line before school. Mr.  Lankford explained that there is not enough supervision to have 700 students  playing before school at this time. They are allowed to talk while sitting in line,  though. Students are allowed to play at recess/lunch because there are significantly  fewer students as recesses/lunches are staggered. The school is attempting to hire  more yard supervisors in the next couple of weeks which will allow for the  possibility of “play time” prior to school.  


∙ Upcoming Holiday Guidelines: 

o Friday, October 29th 

▪ Costumes must be in good taste and appropriate for elementary  

school. Suggestive, graphic, inappropriate, offensive, or violent  

costumes will not be permitted.  

▪ No masks and or full face makeup. We must be able to identify who is  on campus at all times. No blood, gore, or gruesome make-up.  

▪ No accessories will be permitted such as, but not limited to, imitation  weapons.  

o Classroom Parties 

▪ Games/Activities 

▪ Food store bought and take home.  

∙ Parent Teacher Conferences  

o November 1 – Invitations sent out via Parent Square to schedule conferences.  o November 18 – Parent Conferences 4-7 PM 

o November 19 – Parent Conferences/Pupil Free Day 

- Parent Conferences can be in-person or via Zoom.  

∙ Report Cards 

o Distributed at parent conferences 

o Reporting on student progress for the 1st Trimester 

o Opportunity to discuss individual needs for enrichment and/or support o Specific concerns please reach out to teacher prior to meeting.  

∙ School-wide Activities/Reminders 

o Great California Shake Out: October 21 

o PBIS/Student Store – carnival opportunity for about 20-30 minutes

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

October 20, 2021 

o Innovations Programs – varies by grade 

o PE Activities – make sure kids dressed appropriately on PE days o Recess – lots of items left behind; check lost-and-found. 

o Arrival/Dismissal = Be careful! Drive slow and use cross-walks.  


∙ Trunk or Treat is Friday, October 29th from 5-8 PM. 

∙ “SRE Families” group of FaceBook  

∙ Restaurant Night at MOD Pizza 

*PTO is making their best efforts given the current COVID pandemic.  Meeting adjourned by Gaby at 8:29 P.M. 

Nairy Simonyan  

Recording Secretary 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO 

Association Meeting – October 20, 2021


PTO Minutes 2021-11-17


PTO Minutes 2021-09-22