PTO Meeting 2023-04-19

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
April 19, 2023

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
April 19, 2023

President Kira Grossi called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting to order at 7:00 pm via Zoom.

In attendance: Kira Grossi, Gabby Borda, Steve Pope, Shilpa Muthyala, Denise Convert, Jacky Rivera, Kevin Yuan, and Ana Hill.

TREASURER REPORT – Shilpa Muthyala

Shilpa presented the following report:

  • ●  Balance on hand as of 03/2023

  • ●  Total Inflows

  • ●  Total Outflows

  • ●  Ending Balance as of 03/31/2023

$58,380.32 $54,362.82 $5,576.31 $107,166.83

Shilpa made a motion to pay March 2023 checks/motion carried. Shilpa made a motion to ratify February 2023 checks/ motion carried.


  • ●  Briefed on the district/PTO meeting held on April 18, 2023. The district/PTO meeting covered the safety committee exploring avenues like “Crisis Go” from Hart District.

  • ●  June 1, 2023, a district-wide art exhibit at Newhall Elementary School.

  • ●  Autism Awareness Event held in Oak Hills.

  • ●  Special event guidelines will be sent to PTO presidents via email.

  • ●  A district-wide calendar will be set to allow for schools to set their school events alongside the

    District-wide calendar.

  • ●  MOD Pizza night will take place on April 25, 2023

  • ●  Expressions ceremony will be on April 26, 2023

  • ●  Last PTO Membership meeting will take place at SRE’s library at 8:30 am on May 17, 2023

    TEACHER’S REPORT – Dori Greif

    • ●  Teachers’ concern about parking lot safety.

    • ●  Teachers would like to continue field trips.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
April 19, 2023

Approval of Minutes

Jacky Rivera moved to approve the March 22, 2023, meeting minutes. It was seconded, motion carried.


  • ●  Mrs. Stenroos thanked Wrangler and Variety Show committees for their events

  • ●  Marquee will be up and running in two weeks

  • ●  Site Council positions will open

  • ●  Testing for CAASPP will begin in May

  • ●  Fields will commence for all grades in the month of May

  • ●  Open House will take place between 5:30 - 7:00 pm on Thursday, May 4, 2023


    Expressions – Ana Hill

  • ●  100 submissions

  • ●  Entries covered an array of categories and various art media projects.

  • ●  Display of art for all SRE parents and students.

    Wrangler Festival – Libet Sarkissian

  • ●  Thanked the entire planning committee, including sponsors.

  • ●  1263 tickets sold

  • ●  40 student volunteers and 68 parent volunteers.

  • ●  The Festival Financial Report

    • ●  The expense was $12,326

    • ●  Revenue $21,847

    • ●  Net profit $9,521

    • ●  Food Trucks’ profit of $765

    • ●  Sponsors’ profit of $4,500

    • ●  Silent Auction profit of $4,302

  • ●  ChairLibetmaderecommendationstothePTOboardregardingthefutureplansoftheWrangler Festival. The event should be held during the fall (Sept/Oct) season, the budget of $15K, further communication to guests regarding meet and greets, recruiting male volunteers, the survey will be sent to the school community for feedback, documentation of everything, identify leadership with clear roles to chairpersons and final GOAL: for the SRE students.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting
April 19, 2023

Variety Show - Gaby Borda

  • ●  Beautiful show - Kids sang and danced their hearts out, an emotional experience for all.

  • ●  1050 tickets sold

  • ●  Show profits $2070

    Teacher Appreciation Week - Kira Grossi

  • ●  1st week of May

  • ●  The theme will be “Game On”

  • ●  Will ask for volunteers to decorate doors and stock fridges

  • ●  Open House will be Thursday, May 4, 2023

    Nominating Committee - Suverna Mistry

  • ●  Qualifications and those interested sento nominating committee

  • ●  Information will be sent via parent square

  • ●  May 17, 2023 will be the election

    Kira adjourned the meeting at 8:02 pm

    Jacky Rivera
    Recording Secretary
    Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO PTO membership meeting
    April 19, 2023


PTO Meeting Minutes 2023-03-22