General Rules

  • Eligibility

    All Stevenson Ranch Elementary students are eligible to participate. A student may submit more than one entry, but a separate Student Entry Form must be completed and turned in with each entry.

  • Submissions

    All entries must have a Student Entry Form attached. Each entry must be an original work of one student only. Because this program is designed to encourage each student’s own creativity, adults may not alter the creative integrity of a student’s work.

    The deadline to submit art for this year’s competition is Tuesday, October 24th.



  • Judging

    In all categories, entries will be judged primarily on concept, originality, and execution.

    35% Reflecting the Theme
    25% Creativity
    25% Emotionality
    15% Meets Requirements

    Entries will be judged within their grade category:

    Group A TK – 1st Grade
    Group B 2nd & 3rd Grade
    Group C 4th – 6th Grade

Category Guidelines


    Express your vision of this year’s theme using 2D or 3D art. This includes: original print, sculptures, architecture, mobiles, jewelry, drawing, painting, non-photographic collage (please submit photographic collages in Photography Category), or computer generated artwork.

    The use of clip art is not allowed.

    PRESENTATION - All 2D artwork must be flat. Entries may not exceed 24” x 30”, INCLUDING A MAT. Entries should be mounted on a cardboard mat, poster board, or some other sturdy material, and a 1” border (minimum) is required on the top and/or bottom of the entry for name labeling. The Student Entry Form should be taped to the back of the mat. 3D artwork must be movable for display purposes. Please submit in packing materials with photos of the completed work from 3 angles.


    Capture thoughts, and ideas through the lens of a camera. A photography entry must be an original black-and-white or color image, or group of images, or photographic collage produced by a photographic process. Images may be manipulated conventionally or digitally demonstrating photographic techniques. Photographs must be taken by the student.

    PRESENTATION - Entries may not exceed 11” x 14”, INCLUDING A MAT. Prints should be mounted on a cardboard mat, poster board, or some other sturdy material, and a 1” border (minimum) is required on the top and/or bottom of the entry for name labeling. No frames please. The Student Entry Form should be taped to the back of the mat.


    Compose a new and original piece of music that expresses your interpretation of this year’s theme through sound. Consider the style of music needed to complete the theme. Styles may include a cappella, blues, choral, country, world music, pop, orchestral or other types. A musical composition entry may be for voice, instruments, or a combination of voice and instruments.
    The composition must be the work of one student, but the composer (student) need not perform his/her own composition. Copyrighted material is prohibited. Any plagiarized work will be disqualified.

    PRESENTATION - Entries may not exceed 3 minutes. Acceptable audio formats include: MP3 & MP4. A recording of a performance of the composition must be submitted on a memory stick/flash drive in an envelope with Student Entry Form attached. You may also email a link or downloadable file to the Expressions Committee by clicking the button below. If you choose to email, remember to attach a photo of or scanned Student Entry Form also.


    Produce a film that conveys your interpretation of this year’s theme. A film production entry must be an original work of fiction or nonfiction recorded on a memory stick/flash drive, put in an envelope with the Student Entry Form attached. The student submitting the entry must be the screenwriter, director, and editor. Animation, narration, documentary, experimental (exploring movement, light and montage) and media presentations are all accepted styles of work.

    PRESENTATION - Entries may not exceed 5 minutes. • Entries should be submitted on a memory stick/flash drive, placed in an envelope with a Student Entry Form attached.


    Express thoughts and ideas through the art of writing. A literature entry must be an original work of fiction or nonfiction. Prose, poetry, and drama are all accepted styles. Entries must not contain copyrighted material. Physically challenged and younger students may dictate to another person who may type or write down the original work; however, the transcriber (parent) must refrain from editing the student’s grammar. Hand-written entries must be legible; a teacher/parent may transcribe illegible words for the student to facilitate judging. Spelling corrections may be made for clarification purposes.

    PRESENTATION - Entries must not exceed 500 words. Entries may be handwritten or typed. Illustrated entries will be accepted; however, only literary content will be judged. The student’s name should be written on the back of each page, not to exceed 8-1/2” x 11”. 1 copy of the work must be submitted with a Student Entry form in a manila file folder AND emailed to the Expressions Committee by clicking the button below.


Please email us by clicking the button below