
The president sets meeting agenda and presides at all meetings of the PTO and the Executive Board. Coordinates the work of the PTO Officers and Committees. Sets the PTO events calendar with the Principal in spring of each year. Approves and signs all contracts. Oversees the general Budget. Acts as the PTO liaison to the Administration. Attends the Newhall School District President’s meeting (generally the 2nd Monday of the month).

Executive Vice President

Serve as an aide to the President in anticipation of assuming the Presidency the subsequent year. The EVP works with the President on coordinating the work of the PTO Officers and Committees; acts as liaison to the Room Representatives and Teachers; attends all district and council meetings in the absence of the President; and works with the VP Membership to assign Executive Board members to “mentor” the other Board Members (Committee Heads.)



The Historian collects copies of all fliers distributed during the year to preserve the record of PTO activities and achievements; reads any correspondence at general PTO meetings; coordinates the Annual S.T.A.R. Volunteer Recognition Day including awards and refreshments for the Installation Luncheon that immediately follows; maintains Committee Binders and is responsible for distributing to all committee heads at the beginning of the year and collecting at the end.


Financial Secretary

Serve as an aide to the Treasurer in anticipation of assuming the Treasurer position the subsequent year. Receives all deposits for verification and deposits at the bank.


The Auditor examines the financial books and records of the financial officers of the PTO. He/she certifies that receipts and expenditures, as authorized in the minutes, are in conformity with Bylaws and budget limitations. The PTO audit serves as an official examination of the financial records by the auditor or appointed audit committee at the times specified in the Bylaws and when there is a change in financial officers. The audit is conducted bi-annually.


Parliamentarian (Appointed by President)

Attend all meetings of the organization and of the executive board and give necessary advice in parliamentary procedure when requested. Call the first meeting of the nominating committee, conduct election of a chairman and give instructions in procedure, and may be contacted for additional information, if needed; shall attend meetings of the nominating committee only if elected to serve as a member of the committee; chair the bylaws committee and review bylaws and standing rules annually


Recording Secretary

Record, post (in office lobby), and file Minutes of PTO General and Board Meetings. Help President maintain content of PTO Website. Keep current all Board, Committee and Membership lists. File all PTO documents in Minutes Binder. Accurately record all motions and seconds of motions in Minutes.