PTO Minutes 2021-08-25

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

August 25, 2021 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School  

PTO Association Meeting 

August 25, 2021 

Gaby Borda called the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting to order at  7:02 P.M. via Zoom.  

Pledge of Allegiance 

Welcome and Introductions 

∙ Executive Board 

o President - Gabriela Borda 

o Vice President - Rushani Thomas-Wise 

o Treasurer - Shilpa Muthyala 

o Auditor - Denise Covert 

o Financial Secretary - Kevin Yuan 

o Recording Secretary - Nairy Simonyan 

o Historian - Kate Kennedy 

o Parliamentary - Melissa LaManna 

∙ Principal – Mr. Lankford 

SECRETARY’S REPORT – Nairy Simonyan 

Nairy motioned to approve the minutes sent out on Parent Square from May meeting.  Seconded, motion carried.  

∙ Board minutes will be shared via Parent Square.  

TREASURER’S REPORT – Shilpa Muthyala 

∙ No report shared at this time.  


∙ In-person events on hold for now. 

∙ Room Reps are needed for classrooms. Will have an informational meeting once reps are  determined. 

∙ Yearbook – Need volunteers to coordinate pictures for yearbooks.  

∙ Sixth-grade graduation – Will need fifth grade parents to coordinate event. ∙ Book-fair– considering virtual option. 

∙ Talent show – considering virtual option. 


SPIRIT WEAR – Gaby Borda 

o Spirit wear sales are live now.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

August 25, 2021 

o Sprit wear sales are not a fundraising event. 

o Gear can be worn for “Friday Spirit Wear.” 

FUNDRAISING – Gaby Borda/Nairy Simonyan 

o Amazon Smile – Must go through Amazon smiles in order for SRE to receive Amazon  donations. More information will follow.  

o Ralph’s – Must link Ralph’s Club Card loyalty phone number to SRE PTO in order for  SRE to receive donations.  

PBIS – Chrissy Garcia 

o Format needs to be adjusted because PTO is not allowed on campus. 

o Trinkets can be given to teachers and teachers can use items as incentives for  classrooms. 

o Question posed whether old gold bars would be accepted. Tabled for now.  


∙ School Mission: For every child to flourish in a learning-centered/child-centered environment  charged by a rich and challenging curriculum, to be surrounded by a caring community, and to  learn essential skills for success.  

∙ Classroom Communities  

o Setting Expectations 

o Identifying Needs 

o Establishing and Providing Support 

o Collaboration with Parents 

∙ School-Wide Screeners 

o Reading 

o Mathematics 

o Foundation skills specific to grade level 

o Developing programs based on student’s data and specific needs. 

∙ COVID-19 Updates 

o Daily Health Screener – Important that is completed by 7:45 AM daily.  

o Mask Mandate – No exemptions 

o Parent Notification – If a student/teacher is COVID positive in a classroom, the  whole class will be notified.  

o Protocol for Returning to School - If student has COVID symptoms, need a doctor’s  note that it is not COVID related to return to school; If no doctor’s note is obtained,  a ten-day isolation is required.  

∙ Picture Day coming up 

Q & A – Mr. Lankford 

∙ Are there plans for SRE to have a dashboard with current COVID numbers, like HART district  does? Mr. Lankford said that Newhall District is considering it.  

∙ What are the plans to keep students who are absent on top of the curriculum? Mr. Lankford  explained that short-term independent study will be available for students who are absent. 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School 

PTO Association Meeting 

August 25, 2021 

∙ Will a class/entire school be notified if a student is COVID positive? Currently, if your child’s  classroom has any COVID positive cases, the whole class will be notified. The whole school  would only be notified if a certain number of students are COVID positive throughout the  school. 

∙ When is a COVID positive student allowed to return back to school? Mr. Lankford explained that  if a student is COVID positive, they are allowed back on campus after a ten-day quarantine, if they are no longer symptomatic. Any child who shows symptoms is not allowed on campus.  

∙ Are classrooms ventilated? Are we doing anything to make sure the ventilation systems are  improved? Mr. Lankford shared that classrooms are ventilated.  

∙ If a child is symptomatic, but we do not have COVID status yet, does the classroom get notified?  Mr. Lankford said that parents are only notified if there is a COVID positive case. Many parents  wanted to be notified with symptomatic cases, so Mr. Lankford said he would take the request  to the district.  

∙ If a child is COVID positive, do their siblings need to stay home? Mr. Lankford explained that  anyone in close proximity would have to quarantine, so siblings would need to. In addition, any  students who sit within six feet of the positive case, would also need to quarantine.  ∙ Teachers follow the same protocol as students. 

∙ Current vaccination status is private. 

∙ Mr. Lankford will go to the district with some of the comments/requests posed by parents. 


∙ SRE PTO group in Parent Square. 

∙ SRE Families Only group on Facebook 

∙ Next PTO Meeting will be on September 22 at 7:00 PM via Zoom.  

*PTO is making their best efforts given the current COVID pandemic.  

Meeting adjourned by Gaby at 8:45 P.M. 

Nairy Simonyan  

Recording Secretary 

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO 

Association Meeting – August 25, 2021


PTO Minutes 2021-09-22